Saving our planet, lifting people out of poverty, advancing economic growth… these are one and the same fight. We must connect the dots between climate change, water scarcity, energy shortages, global health, food security and women’s empowerment. Solutions to one problem must be solutions for all. – Ban Ki-moon

Chechen womenToday’s Organizations working in the field of Human, Women, Children, Animal or Earth Rights, are finding out that activists are not only in need of physical security, they also are in need of emotional, mental, spiritual and relational security. This is a true turning point because the individual within the organization is finally looked as a whole being that needs support and connection. Personal issues derived from the nature of the work can’t be overlooked anymore as the price to pay is too high to guarantee a laser focused intervention without losing the bigger picture. Activists certainly need safety 360° and need to nourish themselves.


Only if your cup is full, it can overflow and reach others effectively. If your cup is not full it’s highly possible you become addicted to burnout and to other people’s wounds.

IMG_0115Through healing, meditations, sharing, open air exercises, energy work, use of intuition and creativity your full being gets awakened and connected. This will give birth to a new form of activist, the conscious activist.





  • People have attended Antonella Bargione workshop but I have facilitated with her and been healed by her. Working and facilitating meeting/workshops/gathering with Antonella has been a pleasant experience. She takes extra interest in researching the topic at hand and her work often and easily reflects a grasp of wide knowledge. As a highly qualified architect, she creates a beautiful and conducive environment that is extremely artistic and comforting for all to be in. During training she also creates a learning space in which participants are able to be honest, feel valued, heard and respected. Antonella creates an atmosphere where diversity is expressed and genuinely honoured, where challenges are taken up that may even lead to participants feeling uncomfortable and where conflict is managed respectfully and constructively. During training/facilitation, she recognizes the leadership capacity of every person and is always deeply concerned with the transformation of power inequalities in spaces. During training, she encourages creativity, improvisation and risk-taking, and works through co-leadership, collaboration, reciprocity and synergy. Antonella respects the dignity of all people, especially those whom society silences. She is a ‘healer’ who employs different techniques including art and makes people realize that a ‘wounded’ spirit, a restless mind and tried body cannot sustain the energy that activists require. Her work demonstrates that a fragmented body produces fragmented results.

    Hope Chigudu Organisational development Consultant/Activist, Zimbabwe
  • During the sessions, the change in energy within the group and each person was almost tangible, the warmth and creativity seemed to create a buzz among all present, creating a heightened sense of awareness. Sitting in a circle with the Caucasus Mountains as a back-drop I felt a fusion of the group with the nature surrounding us. These are precious, empowering moments, which all of us can now draw upon in our work as inspiration. Following the three-day workshop, our planning day for the year ahead with our Chechen colleagues flowed beautifully, with a sense of openness and positivity, which I'm sure to a large extent was thanks to the creative moments shared during the workshop. Thank you!

    Chris Hunter Senior Programme Manager, Peace Building UK, UK
  • Over the last 2 years I have worked with Antonella designing and co-facilitating resilience and wellness retreats for female social workers in Chechnya. Antonella comes with a wealth of experience, grace and humour. The group responded very well to Antonella’s therapeutic approaches using energy, nature and painting to facilitate individual growth and healing. Her warmth and charismatic laughter have an almost magical quality that has the power to touch the most alienated and hardened. She brings depth and understanding of the very nature of being both human and at one with the universe to her work. Antonella is a very supportive co-worker with her open heart and generous spirit she brings joy into the darkest corner.

    Elizabeth Openshaw Consultant, training specialist in humanitarian and psychosocial issues, UK

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